

11th, 13th, 14th Mar 2021


World has seen desperate time this year and would be seeing more in near future. But what kept us going through this time was our dear front line warriors who are working day and night. But they are not the only one who kept the world from collapsing to nothing, deliveryman that were constantly running around bringing us medicines and groceries risking their lives also helped us survive this pandemic. Now it's time we see what does it take to be in their place. Put yourself in their shoes and run errands of the whole and see and feel what they go through everyday.

Event Proposal


Ojaswi Sarve : +91-9167612235

Dheetilekha Nath : +91-7738783998

Registration Process


FAQ step-1

You can find the login button on the Sidebar or on the event description page.


FAQ step-2

After login successful you will be redirected to the registration form, It is important to fill it up before registering for any event.


FAQ step-3

Finally, you can find your Techno ID on the Sidebar and it will be always available to you for further registration of any events. You will have to click on the "Click to copy" Box to copy your Techno ID.

FAQ step-3.1

Above is an example of what a Techno ID looks like, it's a long chain of Alphanumeric text.